My Teachers
It occurred to me that since the early 1970's I have been privileged to have trained with many great instructors and coaches. As a little memory exercise I started to list them.
All that I recall are here, but the list will lengthen, both as I add more experiences, and as I remember those I missed off: All the below, I have trained under on at least one full lesson, but typically on a weekend or week course, and in many cases more than once, or as a full club member. The list does not include many great exponents whom I have trained alongside - whose experience and talent will also have contributed to my knowledge and development.
Ray Askew, Brian Higgins, Brian Pheasant, Darren Sherlock, Allan Skipper
Henka Ryu
Chris Howard, Frank Kelly, Tracy Marks, Dave Roberts, John Schneider, Glenn Wylie
Wado Ryu
Iain Abernethy, Alan Gibson, Chris Kent, Kando Shibamori
Shito Ryu / Shukokai
Peter Allen, Andy Allwood, Tsutomu Kamohara, Paul Newby, Masataka Ohshita, Terry Pottage, Steve Scott, Joe Tierney, Keiji Tomiyama, Haruyoshi Yamada
Richard Amos, Shiro Asano, Simon Bligh, Frank Brennan, John Bruce, John Burke, Steve Cattle, Ronnie Colwell, Chris Cray, Charles Gidley, Dave Hazard, Billy Higgins, Rick Hotton, Richard Jorgensen, Masao Kagawa, Scott Langley, Paul McGee, Tomiko Mitsuoka, John Mullins, Jane Naylor-Jones, Simon Oliver, Terry O'Neill, Matt Price, Christine Pullan, Luc Quaegebur, Bob Rhodes, Sonny Roberts, Ron Silverthorne, Holly Sterling, Aidan Trimble, Steve Ubl
Goju Ryu / Goju Kai
George Andrews, Arakawa Yoshifumi, John Boyle, Tony Christian, Paul Coleman, Harry Cook, Bob Davies, Morio Higaonna, Kesakatsu Hisenaga, Testsuhiro Hokama, Bob Honnibal, Yoshihiro Kiyohara, Mike Lambert, Leo Lipinski, Pete McDowell, Ernie Molyneux, Steve Morris, Gavin Mulholland, Shigenori Sato, Akira Shiomi, Eric Williams, Amanda Winstanley
Mitsusuke Harada
Uechi Ryu / Pangai Noon
Shinju Gushi, Wayne Otto
Shorin Ryu
Jim Hoffer, James Pankiewicz, Roger Sheldon, Toguchi Mineo
Chinese Systems (kung fu)
Steve Brookes, Pan Cheng Miao (Yong Chun White Crane), Martin Watts
Anthony Blades, Chew Choo Soot, Martyn Harris, Alfie Lewis, Julian Mead, Lim Kee Yan, Christophe Pinna, Terry Wingrove, Patrick McCarthy, Peter Maduro, Yukiyoshi Marutani, Peter Schonewille, Ben Oltmans, Steve Merrett, Steve Lowe, Levi Pedder, Master Thamm, Bill "Superfoot" Wallace
Judo / Sambo
Alf Bates, Dave Boulding, Martin Clarke, JM (Nobby) Clarke, John Clarke, Trevor Davies, Geof Gleeson, Elvis Gordon, John Harris, Brenda Jones, Mick Poole,Vladimir Shkalov, Steve Sweetlove, Bill Wood
Ju Jutsu / Aikido / Taiho Jutsu
Ray Bates, Simon Ford-Powell, William F Gill, Tony Hughes, Trevor Roberts, Steve Sweetlove, Alan Ruddock, Kirby Watson
Ryu Kyu Kobudo / Kobujutsu
Kissho Inoue, Bob McCormack, Julian Mead, Gil Neve
Meistre Gato